Maria Eagle MP A Strong Voice in Tough Times

I visited NHS Blood and Organ Transplant ay Estuary Banks to meet with staff and hear about the work they do. I helped campaign for the site after the 1997 General Election, which saw the facility built in Speke with help from then Health Secretary Frank Dobson and campaigners from across the city region.
It is now one of the largest facilities of it’s type in Europe, housing a range of services including the National Frozen Blood Bank, Tissue and Eye Services, production labs for blood and eye products that are used in the UK and exported around the world and the North West Organ Donation team. The donation team provide an invaluable service and it was great to hear that they often receive cards and letters thanking them for the work they do, both from families of donors and those who benefit from organ donations.
A bank of heart valves and corneas is held for transplant, though the team told me that there is a national shortage of corneas as many people cross these off the list when they fill in their donor details. Around 100 corneas, which can only be stored for 28 days, are issued from Speke every week but the shortage means there is a year long waiting list for the procedure. They are hoping to increase the number donated to help clear this backlog.
If you haven’t signed up to be an organ donor and would like to you can do so at: Home – NHS Organ Donation