Maria Eagle MP A Strong Voice in Tough Times
I have been contacted by many constituents concerned at the news that NHS Cheshire and Merseyside have decided to close West Speke Health Centre. I share my constituents concerns and have spoken to NHS Cheshire & Merseyside for an explanation for their decision.
The have told me that West Speke has only 2239 patients. This is a small number, which they say makes running the surgery hard to do financially for any Doctor taking it on. The surgery is also housed in temporary accommodation which does not make it an attractive place to work. They tell me that as a consequence of these two factors, they have not had any bids for running it.
Because of the Government’s requirements for letting GP contracts, the current APMS (Alternative Provider Medical Services) contract cannot be replaced by say appointing a salaried GP and it is in these circumstances that NHS Cheshire and Merseyside have decided to close the surgery.
They have told me that all existing patients will be allocated to other local GP surgeries lists and that no-one will be left without a Doctor. I know, however, that there are many local residents, without access to cars, who will find it difficult to get to other surgeries.
West Speke Health Centre is vital to local residents who should be able to access healthcare quickly and easily. Patients should not have to travel further afield to see a doctor or access treatment, something many will struggle to do. I will continue to liaise with NHS Cheshire & Merseyside to try and find a solution that would see the Centre remain open. It is a fight we have had before and I am fully prepared to have again.
I will be hosting a public meeting this Friday, January 27th, about the planned closure and will be inviting patients to attend alongside a representative from NHS Cheshire & Merseyside. If you’re impacted by the proposed closure please join us for a 6pm start at:
Metal Box Social Club
Speke Boulevard
L24 9PN