Maria Eagle MP A Strong Voice in Tough Times
Earlier this month Banks Rd County Primary’s School Council visited Westminster and Parliament’s Education Centre but on the day I was in Garston and Halewood, so on Friday I went into Banks Rd to meet with them and hear about their visit.
When I arrived the children were all in their own clothes, which was an initiative of the School Council’s brilliant idea to let the pupils have a day out of uniform if they brought in items for local food banks. The response was so good it left staff overwhelmed at the students’ generosity. You can see Head Mrs Gibson showing me the large donation of food and toiletries above.
The School Council ranges from Years 3-6 and I was very impressed by their questions and their commitment to having a real voice in the school on behalf of their classmates. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that some make their way into politics when they grow up. They are very proud of their school and this came across as I was given a tour of the new classroom extension.