In a depressing vision of our country’s future the Prime Minister’s brexit bill was passed in the commons on Thursday by 330 votes to 231, a majority of 99. Britain is now on course to leave the EU on 31st January despite huge gaps in legislation that are being totally ignored by the Tories.

The Tories showed their true colours by removing all clauses on the protection of workers’ rights and the reuniting of child refugees with family members already in Britain. Two things that they promised to protect during the election and have quickly dropped since winning. At the same time, they kept in clauses giving Government Ministers “Henry VIII powers” that allow them to change acts of parliament in any way they like as part of the transition.

This is the hard brexit so many of us feared. I am extremely concerned for the future of our country and our communities. The Tories now have the power to undo hundreds of years of progress on workers’ rights that guarantee good employment for millions of people. It is also unclear how ministers will choose to use their power to amend acts of parliament and could use them to completely reshape our country to match their callous, uncaring, Tory vision of what our nation should be.

My Labour Party colleagues and I will of course hold the Government to account for all of their heartless actions over the next five years, but the Tories large majority will make it next to impossible to stop them as they push ahead with their vision of Tory Britain.

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